Jag önskar ingen att behöva gå igenom denna resa. Av hela mitt hjärta önskar jag att ni alla får behålla hälsan, njuta av livet och aldrig ens behöver snudda vid erfarenheten av cancer, cellgift och långtidsbiverkan cellgiftshjärna.
Livet är kort- njut av det!
Jag älskar ju visdomsord, detta har jag haft hängande på kylen de senaste veckorna:
"Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at he confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
Det lär få hänga några veckor till...
No cancer in my hip. Tears of relief are streaming down my cheeks. It has been such torture the past three weeks!
I don't wish this upon anyone- to have to go through a journey like this.
From the bottom of my heart I hope that you'll always keep your health and live your lives without knowing anything different, not having to experience cancer, chemo and the long term side effect called chemo brain.
I love quotes. This one I have had up on my fridge the past weeks:
"Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at he confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
It might just hang there for a little while longer...
Reality photo. Tears of relief at this minute. While waiting for news like this I walk around in the land of a total vacuum.
Maybe time for a shower now? Puh
I can't remember who gave me this gorgeous picture, but Thank You! And I will, I promise, to love my body even more. What a fighter, what an amazing body I have!! (Well, it's not in the shape of a movie star but still has star quality if you ask me?!! ;-))
4 kommentarer:
Så underbart, njut av livet, Tusen kramar Lisbet
Mer bra besked åt folket!!
Underbart besked, njut! Kramar
Hejsan hittade dig genom din kommentar hos Elisabeth.
Är sjukskriven för en operation i min vänstra fot, så jag bloggar lite...Ligger i soffan med tårar i ögonen, jag känner igen mig såå.
Fick bröstcancer våren -08 och har tuffa år bakom mig. Carpe diem är också mitt ordspråk sen min sjukdom. Min blogg handlar mer om livet, men ibland slinker det in tanakar om min sjukdom...
Ta hand om dig!
Stor kram Susanne
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