Det var en fantastisk syn att komma hem till ett Sverige i snöskrud. Så vackert med alla adventsljusstakar och juldekorationer. Max yttrade de endaste ord som behövdes yttras när han och Per mötte mig på flygplatsen: "Mamma, jag drömde om dig, massor. Jag ville att allt skulle vara som vanligt. Du skulle komma hem, din cancer skulle var borta och min diabetes skulle aldrig ha kommit. Det skulle vara som det var innan det."
Ja, käraste barnet mitt. Jag kan bara hålla med. Mamma är hemma igen iallfall.
Tillbaka i verkligheten igår eftermiddag fick mig att inse hur viktig denna resan var för mig. Jag har fått möjlighet att ta hand om mig. Den lilla rädda flickan har dessutom helt och fullt blivit omhändertagen av andra. Avskedet med familjen Thornton var hemskt och jag grät hela flygningen över Atlanten. Så fort jag blundade forsade tårarna, folk runtomkring mig blev vana vid det till slut. Jag sov ingenting, vilket medförde att jag sov riktigt gott hemma i min egen säng inatt.
Jag kan inte tacka er tillräckligt, underbara Thorntons! Jag vill att ni ska veta att ni är kanske inte är min familj via blodsband, men dock helt och fullt via hjärta och själ. I love you!
It was an amazing sight to step off the plane into a Swedish Winter Wonderland. Extremely beautiful and somewhat magical to see all the Christmas lights and decorations up. Max said the only thing necessary when he and Per picked me up:
" Mum, I dreamed a lot about you. I wanted everything to be as it always has been.
You were supposed to come home, your cancer shouldn't be there and my diabetes should never had happened. Everything was supposed to be just like it was before all that."
Well, my wonderful baby boy. I couldn't have said it better myself. But at least mummy is back home again.
Back into reality yesterday afternoon made me fully realise how important this trip has been for my personal well being. I have had an opportunity to look after myself. The little, scared girl has been fully pampered and taken cared of.
The saying good bye part to the Thornton Family was awful and I cried all the way over the Atlantic. As soon as I closed my eyes the tears kept on coming, the people around me got used to it in the end. I didn't sleep anything at all, in a way I guess that was good because I slept really well in my bed at home last night.
I can't thank you enough, wonderful Thornton Family! I want you to know that you might not be my family by blood, but you are definitely and fully my family by heart and soul. I love you!
"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."
José N. Harris
måndag 29 november 2010
torsdag 25 november 2010
Tararna kom till slut. Trodde jag skulle lyckas halla dem borta dessa tva veckorna. Hela familjen var samlad i koket idag efter att aven Erik- aldsta sonen anlant, sadan gladje och massor med positiv energi. Da rullade de salta sma dropparna nerfor kinderna... De senaste natterna har jag dromt konstiga drommar, alla med ett och samma tema- avsked. Som jag har sagt innan ar jag inte radd for att do langre, men livradd for att behova ta avsked av dem jag alskar. Drommarna ar starka och valdigt svara att ignorera. Det ar klart att tankar om att cancern ar tillbaka dyker upp.
Men for att inte bli galen valjer jag nog att tro att allt handlar om att jag ar omringad av fantastiska manniskor aven har som alskar mig och bryr sig om mig sa valdigt mycket. Jag vet att hemresan narmar sig och att avskedet denna gangen kommer att bli sarskilt svart.
Dock lever jag for dagen och imorgon ar det Thanksgiving har. Jag ar valdigt tacksam for alla de underbara manniskor jag har runt omkring mig- bade har i USA och hemma i Sverige. Sa, sa manga har verkligen anstrangt sig extra for mig och min familj detta aret. Ni betyder allt for mig och ni har min vanskap och karlek for evigt!
The tears arrived. I thought I would manage to keep them away during this vacation. The entire family was gathered in the kitchen today, after the arrival of Erik, the oldest son. It was such a joyful moment filled with lots of positive energy. That is when my tears decided to enter the stage... The past few nights I have had strange dreams about saying goodbye. I've told you before that I am not afraid of dying anymore, but I am terrified of having to say goodbye to everyone I love. My dreams are very real and difficult to ignore during the day. Of course they lead to thoughts like "does this mean the cancer is back?".
But to be able to keep my sanity I choose to believe that they occur because I am surrounded by amazing people that really loves me and cares about me. I know that my journey back home is coming closer and that the "saying goodbye" this time will be harder than ever before.
Now, I do live for the day and tomorrow it is Thanksgiving here. I am very grateful for all the wonderful people in my network- both here in the US and in Sweden. You have walked that extra mile to help me and my family this year. You mean everything to me and will forever have my friendship and love!
Men for att inte bli galen valjer jag nog att tro att allt handlar om att jag ar omringad av fantastiska manniskor aven har som alskar mig och bryr sig om mig sa valdigt mycket. Jag vet att hemresan narmar sig och att avskedet denna gangen kommer att bli sarskilt svart.
Dock lever jag for dagen och imorgon ar det Thanksgiving har. Jag ar valdigt tacksam for alla de underbara manniskor jag har runt omkring mig- bade har i USA och hemma i Sverige. Sa, sa manga har verkligen anstrangt sig extra for mig och min familj detta aret. Ni betyder allt for mig och ni har min vanskap och karlek for evigt!
The tears arrived. I thought I would manage to keep them away during this vacation. The entire family was gathered in the kitchen today, after the arrival of Erik, the oldest son. It was such a joyful moment filled with lots of positive energy. That is when my tears decided to enter the stage... The past few nights I have had strange dreams about saying goodbye. I've told you before that I am not afraid of dying anymore, but I am terrified of having to say goodbye to everyone I love. My dreams are very real and difficult to ignore during the day. Of course they lead to thoughts like "does this mean the cancer is back?".
But to be able to keep my sanity I choose to believe that they occur because I am surrounded by amazing people that really loves me and cares about me. I know that my journey back home is coming closer and that the "saying goodbye" this time will be harder than ever before.
Now, I do live for the day and tomorrow it is Thanksgiving here. I am very grateful for all the wonderful people in my network- both here in the US and in Sweden. You have walked that extra mile to help me and my family this year. You mean everything to me and will forever have my friendship and love!
torsdag 18 november 2010
Karlek*** Love
Karlek! Omringad av sa mycket karlek. Det ar en gava och jag ar sa tacksam for min amerikanska familj. Det kanns harligt att fa vara har och visa dem att trots att jag ar markt av sjukdom och annat elande detta aret har jag kvar min sjuka humor, min rea-shopping anda och design- och kladintresse. =)) Laguna Beach kanns som mitt andra hem och det hjalper gott att jag kanner omgivningarna sa val, for hjarnan ar definitvt inte vad den brukade vara. Kris ar den fantastiska storasyster jag inte har, det ar sa, sa gott att fa vara nara henne nastan hela dagarna. Kort och gott kanns det som att vara hemma, jag myser av att vara runt min familj- Kris, barnen (de ar stora nu) och Jim. Japp, vi har hunnit se en Bergman film och fler lar det bli. Wow, jag har andrat mig for jag uppskattar dem verkligen...
Jag sover som en stock om natterna och drommer konstiga drommar, framtidsdrommar. Har faktiskt inte tankt sa mycket pa Fru Cancer och allt hon har stallt till med, jag lamnade henne kvar pa Landvetter hoppas jag. Daremot dyker hennes kusin Madame CancerFramtidshot upp emellanat, jag gillar henne inte, men hon lar bli en del av mitt liv sa jag antar att denna resan handlar om att hitta ett satt for mig att forhalla mig till henne.
Love! I am surrounded by so much love. It is a gift and I am so grateful for my American family. What a great feeling it is to be here and to show them that even though the past year with it's illness and misery has changed me, I still have my sick sense of humor, my love for bargain shopping and extreme passion for design and clothes. =)) Laguna Beach feels like my second home and it does help that the surroundings are familiar- my brain is definitely not what it used to be. Kris is the amazing big sister I never had, it is wonderful to be close to her every day. To cut a long story short, it feels like coming home and I enjoy every moment with my family-Kris, the children (they are big now) and Jim. Yes, we've managed to watch one Bergman movie and more are to come. Wow, I have changed because I really enjoy them...
I sleep like a log during the night and I dream odd dreams, future dreams. I haven't thought much about Mrs Cancer and everything she has done to me and my family. I left her at the airport in Gothenburg, I hope. On the other hand I have occasionally met her cousin Madame Cancer-Future-Threat. I don't like her at all, but I guess she starts to become a major part of my life. This trip must be about to find a way to relate to her.
Jag sover som en stock om natterna och drommer konstiga drommar, framtidsdrommar. Har faktiskt inte tankt sa mycket pa Fru Cancer och allt hon har stallt till med, jag lamnade henne kvar pa Landvetter hoppas jag. Daremot dyker hennes kusin Madame CancerFramtidshot upp emellanat, jag gillar henne inte, men hon lar bli en del av mitt liv sa jag antar att denna resan handlar om att hitta ett satt for mig att forhalla mig till henne.
Love! I am surrounded by so much love. It is a gift and I am so grateful for my American family. What a great feeling it is to be here and to show them that even though the past year with it's illness and misery has changed me, I still have my sick sense of humor, my love for bargain shopping and extreme passion for design and clothes. =)) Laguna Beach feels like my second home and it does help that the surroundings are familiar- my brain is definitely not what it used to be. Kris is the amazing big sister I never had, it is wonderful to be close to her every day. To cut a long story short, it feels like coming home and I enjoy every moment with my family-Kris, the children (they are big now) and Jim. Yes, we've managed to watch one Bergman movie and more are to come. Wow, I have changed because I really enjoy them...
I sleep like a log during the night and I dream odd dreams, future dreams. I haven't thought much about Mrs Cancer and everything she has done to me and my family. I left her at the airport in Gothenburg, I hope. On the other hand I have occasionally met her cousin Madame Cancer-Future-Threat. I don't like her at all, but I guess she starts to become a major part of my life. This trip must be about to find a way to relate to her.
torsdag 11 november 2010
Snart fyller jag 38. Det fanns en tid i våras när jag inte trodde att jag skulle göra det och dödsångesten var så stark, så stark. Idag lever och planerar jag inte mer än för några dagar i taget och jag är väldigt tacksam över just denna födelsedagen. Det känns som om att bli född på nytt.
Imorgon lämnar jag Sverige för en två veckors egen rehabilitering i Laguna Beach, Kalifornien. Min underbara amerikanska familj gör detta möjligt för mig och min tacksamhet vet inga gränser. Ska bli så gott att äntligen få krama om dem! Jag ska få tid att bearbeta min sjukdom, all tid som jag hittills haft där jag mått ok har ju gått åt till att lära sig om Max diabetes.
Visst har jag haft ångest över att lämna Per och Max men jag har en fantastisk man som uppmuntrat mig till detta från början. Han har ju följt mig genom helvetet på väldigt nära håll och vet hur jag kämpat och hur nära bristningsgränsen det varit många gånger. Dock lämnar jag dem med all tvätt tvättad och struken ;)) De verkar faktiskt se fram emot tid tillsammans... har redan planerat aktiviteter och att äta mat som jag inte tycker om.
Jag lovar att uppdatera bloggen emellanåt. Var rädda om er därute!!
I will turn 38 in a few days. There was a time this spring when I thouhgt I never would be around for this birthday and my death anxiety was so strong. Today I sieze the day and plan only a few days ahead and I am very grateful to be able to experience this particular birthday. It feels like being born all over again.
Tomorrow I leave Sweden for a two week rehabilitation in Laguna Beach, California. My wonderful Amercian family has made this possible for me, I don't know how to thank them enough. It is going to be lovely to finally hug them! I will have time to reflect on my own illness and myself. Every time so far when I've had good days I have focused on diabetes type 1, to learn as much as possible about it.
Sure, I've had anxiety to leave Per and Max behind, but I am married to a marvelous man that has supported me in this from the beginning and he totally thinks I deserve it. He has been right beside me on this journey from hell and he knows exactly how much I've faught and how close it has been to a break down for me many times.
However, all the laundry is done and ironed for the two of them ;)) They seem to look forward to time alone...they have already made plans in regards to fun activities and food to eat that I dislike. I promise to update my blog once in a while. Take care of yourselves!!

Sunset view from the Thornton house balcony
Driving into Laguna Beach
on our 2008 visit
Imorgon lämnar jag Sverige för en två veckors egen rehabilitering i Laguna Beach, Kalifornien. Min underbara amerikanska familj gör detta möjligt för mig och min tacksamhet vet inga gränser. Ska bli så gott att äntligen få krama om dem! Jag ska få tid att bearbeta min sjukdom, all tid som jag hittills haft där jag mått ok har ju gått åt till att lära sig om Max diabetes.
Visst har jag haft ångest över att lämna Per och Max men jag har en fantastisk man som uppmuntrat mig till detta från början. Han har ju följt mig genom helvetet på väldigt nära håll och vet hur jag kämpat och hur nära bristningsgränsen det varit många gånger. Dock lämnar jag dem med all tvätt tvättad och struken ;)) De verkar faktiskt se fram emot tid tillsammans... har redan planerat aktiviteter och att äta mat som jag inte tycker om.
Jag lovar att uppdatera bloggen emellanåt. Var rädda om er därute!!
I will turn 38 in a few days. There was a time this spring when I thouhgt I never would be around for this birthday and my death anxiety was so strong. Today I sieze the day and plan only a few days ahead and I am very grateful to be able to experience this particular birthday. It feels like being born all over again.
Tomorrow I leave Sweden for a two week rehabilitation in Laguna Beach, California. My wonderful Amercian family has made this possible for me, I don't know how to thank them enough. It is going to be lovely to finally hug them! I will have time to reflect on my own illness and myself. Every time so far when I've had good days I have focused on diabetes type 1, to learn as much as possible about it.
Sure, I've had anxiety to leave Per and Max behind, but I am married to a marvelous man that has supported me in this from the beginning and he totally thinks I deserve it. He has been right beside me on this journey from hell and he knows exactly how much I've faught and how close it has been to a break down for me many times.
However, all the laundry is done and ironed for the two of them ;)) They seem to look forward to time alone...they have already made plans in regards to fun activities and food to eat that I dislike. I promise to update my blog once in a while. Take care of yourselves!!
Sunset view from the Thornton house balcony
Driving into Laguna Beach
on our 2008 visit
söndag 7 november 2010
Skånskt Gille*** Party in South Of Sweden
Pappa fyllde 60 och därför har vi haft ett redigt gille (kalas) i Skåne i helgen.
Släkten sammanstrålade och massor av positiv energi flödade. Min förkylning försvann och jag kände mig faktiskt riktigt pigg framåt slutet av helgen. Speciellt efter en solig promenad i den närliggande bokskogen. Jag märker verkligen hur min livsinställning idag- med att ta vara på dagen och leva i nuet- verkligen förhöjer kvalitén på mitt liv. Varför skulle det behövas en cancerdiagnos för att upptäcka det?
Dad turned 60 and this weekend we went for a birthday party in south of Sweden. Close family and relatives came together and lots of positive energy circulated in the house. My cold disappeared and at the end of the weekend I felt very good- specially after a lovely, sunny walk in the nearby forest. I noticed how the view of life I have these days- to sieze the day and to focus on the "here and now"- really affects my quality of life. Why did I need a cancer diagnosis to discover that?

Me and my grandmother

My mum and dad

Siblings. The oldest (me) is the shortest, The youngest (Henrik) is the tallest and in the middle you find Jonas. =))
Släkten sammanstrålade och massor av positiv energi flödade. Min förkylning försvann och jag kände mig faktiskt riktigt pigg framåt slutet av helgen. Speciellt efter en solig promenad i den närliggande bokskogen. Jag märker verkligen hur min livsinställning idag- med att ta vara på dagen och leva i nuet- verkligen förhöjer kvalitén på mitt liv. Varför skulle det behövas en cancerdiagnos för att upptäcka det?
Dad turned 60 and this weekend we went for a birthday party in south of Sweden. Close family and relatives came together and lots of positive energy circulated in the house. My cold disappeared and at the end of the weekend I felt very good- specially after a lovely, sunny walk in the nearby forest. I noticed how the view of life I have these days- to sieze the day and to focus on the "here and now"- really affects my quality of life. Why did I need a cancer diagnosis to discover that?
Me and my grandmother
My mum and dad
Siblings. The oldest (me) is the shortest, The youngest (Henrik) is the tallest and in the middle you find Jonas. =))
torsdag 4 november 2010
Kroppen talar*** The Body Talks
Gårdagens avslappning öppnade nog alla sinnen och kroppen talade om imorse att den behöver vila mer. Under natten bröt ytterliggare en förkylning ut och en kraftig ledvärk kom tillbaka. Det var bara att vila, vila och vila idag. Jag tror att jag emellanåt glömmer att jag fortfarande varje dag stoppar i mig cellgift. Min kropp har däremot blivit väldigt bra på att tala om för mig vad som gäller, eller är det så att jag äntligen respekterar och lyssnar bättre på den?
Yesterdays relaxation opened all my senses and my body told me this morning that I needed further rest. During the night another cold appeared and a strong joint pain returned. There was nothing else to do today then rest, rest and rest. I think I forget at times that I am still putting chemo poison in my body every day. My body on the other hand has become extremely successful at informing me about what's going on and what I should be doing. Or could it be that I am finally respecting and listening better to my body?
Yesterdays relaxation opened all my senses and my body told me this morning that I needed further rest. During the night another cold appeared and a strong joint pain returned. There was nothing else to do today then rest, rest and rest. I think I forget at times that I am still putting chemo poison in my body every day. My body on the other hand has become extremely successful at informing me about what's going on and what I should be doing. Or could it be that I am finally respecting and listening better to my body?
onsdag 3 november 2010
Jag har varit i himlen idag tillsammans med goa, underbara söstra Ingrid. =) Ja alltså, i ett ljusterapirum på halvdagsspa här i Göteborg. Vi unnade våra sargade kroppar och själar det. Fortfarande känner jag mig helt avslappnad och lugn inombords.
När vi satt i ljusterapirummet var Ingrids kommentar oslagbar: "Nu är vi i himlen!"
För oss hade den kommentaren en oerhörd kraft både till skratt direkt från hjärtat, till total eftertanke av dödsångest och bisarr verklighet. Att sedan få vila i ett mörkerrum, med porlande vattenljud och i en varm vattensäng bredvid en människa (i varsin säng alltså... =)) som vet exakt vad denna cancer resa handlar om- det fick mig att börja gråta, på ett sätt tror jag det är livet... Jag har inte en enda gång sedan min cancerdiagnos känt mig så trygg som jag gjorde just där idag. Som ett foster tillbaka i mammas mage, totalt beskyddad från livets faror.
I've been to heaven today together with my lovely and amazing breast cancer sister Ingrid. =) Well, we visited a light therapy room at a local spa. We gave our mangled bodies and minds that gift. I still feel completely relaxed and calm from today's experience.
When we sat in the light theraphy room Ingrid stated that by now famous comment: "We've gone to heaven!" To both of us that comment meant laughter directly from our hearts, a reflection of our death anxieties as well as of the odd reality we are living in. Our adventure continued into the dark therapy room. We were surrounded by water sounds and rested in a warm waterbed (one each...=)). To lay there beside a person that knows exactly what this cancer journey is all about made me cry and was also in a way a proof of life... I haven't once since I was diagnosed felt so safe and secure as I did in that room today. Like a fetus back in his/her mother's womb, completley protected from all the dangers in life.


Photos taken by Ingrid
När vi satt i ljusterapirummet var Ingrids kommentar oslagbar: "Nu är vi i himlen!"
För oss hade den kommentaren en oerhörd kraft både till skratt direkt från hjärtat, till total eftertanke av dödsångest och bisarr verklighet. Att sedan få vila i ett mörkerrum, med porlande vattenljud och i en varm vattensäng bredvid en människa (i varsin säng alltså... =)) som vet exakt vad denna cancer resa handlar om- det fick mig att börja gråta, på ett sätt tror jag det är livet... Jag har inte en enda gång sedan min cancerdiagnos känt mig så trygg som jag gjorde just där idag. Som ett foster tillbaka i mammas mage, totalt beskyddad från livets faror.
I've been to heaven today together with my lovely and amazing breast cancer sister Ingrid. =) Well, we visited a light therapy room at a local spa. We gave our mangled bodies and minds that gift. I still feel completely relaxed and calm from today's experience.
When we sat in the light theraphy room Ingrid stated that by now famous comment: "We've gone to heaven!" To both of us that comment meant laughter directly from our hearts, a reflection of our death anxieties as well as of the odd reality we are living in. Our adventure continued into the dark therapy room. We were surrounded by water sounds and rested in a warm waterbed (one each...=)). To lay there beside a person that knows exactly what this cancer journey is all about made me cry and was also in a way a proof of life... I haven't once since I was diagnosed felt so safe and secure as I did in that room today. Like a fetus back in his/her mother's womb, completley protected from all the dangers in life.


Photos taken by Ingrid

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