"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."
José N. Harris

måndag 29 november 2010

Magiskt Vinterlandskap*** Winter Wonderland

Det var en fantastisk syn att komma hem till ett Sverige i snöskrud. Så vackert med alla adventsljusstakar och juldekorationer. Max yttrade de endaste ord som behövdes yttras när han och Per mötte mig på flygplatsen: "Mamma, jag drömde om dig, massor. Jag ville att allt skulle vara som vanligt. Du skulle komma hem, din cancer skulle var borta och min diabetes skulle aldrig ha kommit. Det skulle vara som det var innan det."
Ja, käraste barnet mitt. Jag kan bara hålla med. Mamma är hemma igen iallfall.
Tillbaka i verkligheten igår eftermiddag fick mig att inse hur viktig denna resan var för mig. Jag har fått möjlighet att ta hand om mig. Den lilla rädda flickan har dessutom helt och fullt blivit omhändertagen av andra. Avskedet med familjen Thornton var hemskt och jag grät hela flygningen över Atlanten. Så fort jag blundade forsade tårarna, folk runtomkring mig blev vana vid det till slut. Jag sov ingenting, vilket medförde att jag sov riktigt gott hemma i min egen säng inatt.
Jag kan inte tacka er tillräckligt, underbara Thorntons! Jag vill att ni ska veta att ni är kanske inte är min familj via blodsband, men dock helt och fullt via hjärta och själ. I love you!
It was an amazing sight to step off the plane into a Swedish Winter Wonderland. Extremely beautiful and somewhat magical to see all the Christmas lights and decorations up. Max said the only thing necessary when he and Per picked me up:
" Mum, I dreamed a lot about you. I wanted everything to be as it always has been.
You were supposed to come home, your cancer shouldn't be there and my diabetes should never had happened. Everything was supposed to be just like it was before all that."
Well, my wonderful baby boy. I couldn't have said it better myself. But at least mummy is back home again.
Back into reality yesterday afternoon made me fully realise how important this trip has been for my personal well being. I have had an opportunity to look after myself. The little, scared girl has been fully pampered and taken cared of.
The saying good bye part to the Thornton Family was awful and I cried all the way over the Atlantic. As soon as I closed my eyes the tears kept on coming, the people around me got used to it in the end. I didn't sleep anything at all, in a way I guess that was good because I slept really well in my bed at home last night.
I can't thank you enough, wonderful Thornton Family! I want you to know that you might not be my family by blood, but you are definitely and fully my family by heart and soul. I love you!

1 kommentar:

Kerstin Hansson sa...

Välkommen hem Annika.
Hoppas att du har haft det toppen,
och laddat batterin. Kan behövas nu när du är tillbaka i vardagen.