"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."
José N. Harris

onsdag 26 oktober 2011

Ny Bloggdesign*** A New Blog Design

En ny design på bloggen:
Till Rosa Bandets ära. Till min ära. Till alla fantastiska kvinnors ära som kämpar mot bröstcancern. Till livets ära!
Har tittat på Rosa Bandets Insamlingsgala på TV:n. Det är med stor sorg i hjärtat. Det är så hemskt att behöva gå igenom detta. Verkligen. Men ack vad tacksam jag är för all dessa insamlade medel.
A new blog design:
In the honor of the Pink Ribbon Campaign. In the honor of myself. In the honor of all the amazing women fighting against breast cancer. In the honor of life!
This evening Swedish TV has had a Breast Cancer Fundraiser. I've been watching it- feeling so, so sad. My heart is bleeding. It is awful having to go through this. Really. I am extremely grateful for fundraisers like this though.

This photo represents my deepest fear with this illness. To have to leave my child behind. Not be able to see him grow up, graduate, get married, have children of his own. I was so sick from the chemo treatment at this time. I didn't have the strength to be a mum, and yet I found strength. That is the power of life, Mrs Cancer. That power will forever fight you!!

3 kommentarer:

Sister Moonshine sa...

Finfin design. Ja, och kampen och insamlandet fortsätter. Det är ju faktiskt inte bara i oktober som pengar ska in till forskningen! Må gott och sköt om dig.



Ingrid H sa...

Jättefint. DU r jättefin. Love you

A-K sa...

De här orden, som jag snodde rätt av från din blogg - representerar precis det som jag kände.. och känner! Och du, vilken styrka det ligger i de här orden! Ta väl hand om dig! Kram

"This photo represents my deepest fear with this illness. To have to leave my child behind. Not be able to see him grow up, graduate, get married, have children of his own. I was so sick from the chemo treatment at this time. I didn't have the strength to be a mum, and yet I found strength. That is the power of life, Mrs Cancer. That power will forever fight you!! "