"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."
José N. Harris

söndag 18 juli 2010

Polisdotter***Police Officer's Daughter

Som den polisdotter jag är skriver jag naturligtvis inte i bloggen och informerar om när jag åker bort... =)) Nu är jag hemma igen efter 1 vecka på vift i Skåneland med familjen. Det är första gången sedan jul och cancerdiagnosen jag varit "himma". Familjeträff (bröder m. familj, föräldrar, svärföräldrar, mormor), avslappnat "häng" hos Don och Gabi, tjejträff hos Maria, "Söstra Mi" träff- en nästan 5h lång middag med mina bloggande cancersystrar Elisabet och Viktoria! Wow! Det var som om vi känt varandra hela livet!
Så härligt att träffa alla goa människor- och er som jag inte hann med... jag kommer snart igen!! Det är ett hektiskt schema att åka "him" och naturligtvis planerade jag in för mycket roligheter med tanke på omständigheterna. Jag kraschade totalt i slutet av veckan och har om möjligt ännu mer ont i kroppen och lederna nu- men det var det allt värt, själen har fått näring och jag hoppas det botar den nuvarande depressionen!***
I am a police officer's daughter and I would of course never in advance inform you through my blog that I am going away on vacation... =))
I took my family to Skåne (south of Sweden) for a week. It is the first time since Christmas and my cancer diagnosis that I've been back home to visit . I've met my family (mum+ dad, brothers+ families, in laws and grandmother), I've had a relaxed time with Don and Gabi in their cabbin, I've had a girls night at Maria's with old friends as well as a cancer sister evening with new friends, Elisabet and Viktoria. We had an almost 5h long dinner conversation. Wow! It is like we have known each other for ever!
I met many wonderful people and to all of you that I didn't manage to see, I will be back soon!! I was on a hectic schedule and I tried to accomplish too many fun things due to the circumstances. It didn't work, I crashed at the end of the week. I have even more pain in my body and joints now (if that is possible)- but it was worth every second. My soul batteries have been charged and I hope that will cure my current depression!

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