Jag lever ju här och nu alltså måste jag fokusera på det positiva varje dag. Lättare sagt än gjort- det tömmer mig på energi att mentalt vända bort tankarna från återfall och cancer varje dag, men det är något jag måste göra. Därför har jag letat efter ett nytt ledord i denna nästa fas av min kamp. Något att hämta kraft från.
Jag har lånat de fina orden från någon som verkar ha varit en fantastisk kvinna, Lilla H. Humor, glimten i ögat och positiv in i det sista. Hon avled i äggstockscancer i april i år.
Jag hoppas jag har hennes tillåtelse att använda de vackra orden även i min kamp:
Bästa sättet att inte dö är att leva!
Med de orden vill jag se fram emot ett nytt år, 2011.
I have been thinking a lot the past few days. It might be the joy of the Christmas holiday that makes me feel down. Weird, but true. I love the Christmas season and sadly now it is also connected with all the awful happenings last year. Almost every day now is a "year day"- a year since the mammogram, the test results, etc. The ghosts in my brain get more space and I realise how fragile life is, not only for me, but for you as well. Everything can change in a split second. Really. Make the best of the time you have here on Earth. Tell your loved ones how much you care about them, please don't wait until another day. Don't waste your life with letting negative feelings such as bitterness, angryness etc rule. Deal with them instead.
I live here and now, that means I have to focus on the positive every day. It is hard work doing so- at times it drains all my energy. To stear my thoughts away from relapse and cancer and make them positive is not easy, but something I absolutely have to do. That's why I've been searching for a quote to inspire me in this next step of my fight. To find strength in.
I lent these beautiful words from a woman that must have been a wonderful person, Lilla H
A good sense of humor and very positive until the last minute. In April this year she died from ovarian cancer. I hope I have her blessing to use her words in my fight as well:
The best way not to die is to live!
I will let these words lead me into the new year, 2011.