"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."
José N. Harris

lördag 16 januari 2010


Max har druckit och kissat konstant hela natten. Vad händer? Barnkalaset nu på förmiddagen fick sjuksköterskorna på gatan att reagera. Max drack konstant. Han måste in och kontrollera sitt blodsocker. Josefina tar tag i allt tillsammans med Per, jag orkar inte. Bryter ihop när de kört iväg. Snälla gode Gud låt inte Max vara sjuk!!!!
Jodå, samtalet kom. Max har diabetes... DIABETES!!! NU!!!!! Mitt i alltihopa. Detta är lagen om all jävlighet.Jag som skulle förbereda mig inför min egen operation... Hjälp någon! Jag ringer mamma- snälla mamma kom. Hon kommer imorgon.
Max får eget rum på sjukhuset, blir väl omhändertagen och får insulin. Han slappnar av och mår till slut bättre. Både Per och jag gråter. Hur mkt klarar man egentligen? Mycket tydligen. Jag åker hem och sover, Per stannar hos Max. Behöver jag säga att jag tar en sömnpilla!*************************************************************************
Max has been drinking and peeing all night. What is going on? At the birthday party this morning the nurses on our street reacted. Max was constantly drinking. He needs to go to the hospital and check his bloodsugar. Josefina and Per handle it, I can't do it. I totally break down after they are gone. Please dear God, don't let Max be sick! Sure enough, he has diabetes... DIABETES!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!! In the middle of everything!! This is not happening, I was supposed to prepare myself for surgery!Someone help.. I call my mum. mum please come. She is coming tomorrow.
Max gets his own room at the hospital, he is well taken care of and is starting to feel better with insulin. Per and I are crying. How much more can we take? A lot apparently. I am going home to sleep, taking a sleeping pill. Per stays with Max.

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